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Bridgette Chia

                       Bridget Chia has been training in Shito Ryu Karate at the Arbutus Club dojo since the age of 5.

                      In 2015, she earned her Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) from the International Shihan Kai, which consists of the Japanese                       Executive Council, the American Shihan Kai, the Canadian Shihan Kai and the Mexican Shihan Kai on August 3rd in San Francisco, CA.

                         Here are some of (Studet's Name) recent tournament accomplishments:

                         • 2011 - 8th Seito Shito Ryu Karate-do International Taikai - Vancouver, Canada
                                     o Gold Medal: Team Kata (Under Black Belt under 17)

                         • 2015 - 10th Seito Shito Ryu Karate-do International Taikai - San Francisco
                                     o Gold Medal: Kumite (14-15 Intermediate Girls)
                                     o Silver Medal: Kata (14-15 Intermediate Girls)